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Debunk This Video: Low Altitude Wingtip Chemtrails Over London

NOTE: This video appears to be a plane dumping fuel.  I asked for it to be debunked and it has been.  Thanks for the comments.  Check out the original video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoUBWEqPu0Q

I have been trying to wake people up to the reality of covert aerial spray campaigns being conducted around the globe since I myself woke up to this reality a little over a year ago.

I have seen many images of the phenomenon called "wingtip chemtrails" but have never seen a VIDEO this dramatic and obvious.  Thanks to the Italian Chemtrail Awareness site TankerEnemy.com for posting this recent video captured in London.

This could, of course, be fuel dumping but doing so is illegal at low elevations and over major cities.  It is also a very rare, expensive and ecologically devastating practice only used when a plane is in distress.  This plane appears to be flying normally with its landing gears down as if taking off or coming in for a landing.

Clearly the emission is not coming from the engines themselves.  If you want more info on geoengineering, chemtrails, and how to protect yourself from the toxins raining down out of the sky check out the videos and links below the "London low altitude chemtrails" video.  Thanks and take care.

More Information:

What In The World Are They Spraying? (documentary film)
Why In The World Are They Spraying? (documentary film)

Save The Planet: Expose Geo-Engineering (historical timeline and summary)

Chemtrails, Nanoaluminium and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Affects (some health concerns)

Here is a photo I personally took of an obvious chemtrail over Grand Teton National Park just a few days ago.  Note the unusual bulbous formations drooping off the bottom of this freshly laid trail.  This is a sure sign that there is more than just jet exhaust and water vapor present.