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Surfing while Speaking In Support Of March Against Monsanto: MOG VLOG #13

Why I support March Against Monsanto and ongoing actions against genetically modified foods and big agribusiness:

1.  We are what we eat, so we shouldn't eat untested and/or dangerous foods.  GMOs have not been tested long term and have been proven dangerous in short term testing.

2.  Food and water are basic human rights.  Allowing corporations to patent seeds takes away these rights.

3.  Food companies (not just Monsanto!) have been feeding us junk and calling it food for decades.  Changing humanity's diet will eliminate most of our species' health issues.

4.  Over the last century of experimentation, industrial agriculture has not solved our economic and food issues.  Localized organic agriculture creates good jobs, strong communities, empowered citizens, and healthy people.

Having some fun with the river wave, my cameras, and spreading awareness...