


My $300 MALL*WART computer has a webcam. RAD. TRULY.

Many thanks momentarily to the bargains provided by digital supply chain management and infinite growth strategies.

Cuiadado Gringo... especialmente con tu nuevo poder technologia...mente.

Mi viaje a Minnesota fue todo bien. I got 284th in the Birk with a PIG on each foot.

Next year, I will be rejoining the ranks of the elite wave... scouts honor... pending incorrectitude of my prediticions of immient societal collapse.

Keaner will get a kick out of tihs pic being published, so here it is.

Benny had a great race despite having stitches in his abdomen.

Pops won his age group (and almost nicked me).

Sam finished commendably for a guy who hasn't raced skis in a decade.

Mom kept us fed and looked beautiful as usual.

Getting sauced at the SAWMILL and catching up with the long lost was heartwarmingly hilarous.

Hopefully, that little trip ended with the last commercial airtravel of my life. I swore the shit off years ago but keep finding myself nauseatingly lifting off... breathing canned fucking air.

It's good to be back on old SINNY. I arrived in the midst of CARNIVAL... walking from the bus terminal into a pathetic display of colorful consumeristic craziness... at least folks seem to be having a good time with it all.

La clima he cambiado y voy mananita... a la maldrugada si posible.

Fui hablando anoche con el jefe mas inteligente de todo los HOTDOGueros de La Paz. Muy interestante. Gente inteligente con una familia guapita.

Ahorita prefiero pensando en la lengua porque puedo escapar las tempestas inglesas mias.

Cual lengua? Es mio y voy a cambiarlo. Con suerte alguien puede entenderme.

The boat's all set and the weather looks DEEC. I'll be stopping in Balandra at dawn to scrape my bottom. Then it's about 250 miles to mainland Mexico.

And hilariously, now that I can finally get going, I'm sad to leave.

I'll miss this noisy, dirty mess everyone calls TRANQUILO.
