
The Daily Show: Essential Truths For Our Times

The Big Banks caused the mortgage crisis, got bailed out of the mortgage crisis, profited from the mortgage crisis, cheated during the mortgage crisis, and are now fucking the American People again by lobbying for laws in their favor as they continue milking the mortgage crisis (and US) for all they can.  Check it...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Foreclosure Crisis
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

Jon Stewart does a good job explaining another way the Big Banks are screwing America...

And if that wasn't enough, the biggest banks are skimming the cream right off the top of the stock market with high frequency trading.  There's a digital ghost in the machine that accounts for 70+ percent of all transactions made.  The only purpose of HFT is to make money at the expense of slower, less powerful, and less connected investors.  It's cheating and it should be illegal, but the SEC isn't doing anything about it. 

Unless you've got a badass computer with a pricey program located right on the floor at the stockmarket, you don't stand a chance.... and the HFT crooks are stealing from you.  Get out of the market and let them steal from each other.

Ohhh yeah, and don't feel bad about STRATEGICALLY DEFAULTING on a mortgage you no longer want to pay.  The Mortgage Banker's Association strategically defaulted on their $79 million dollar Washington DC HQ.  Now they're renting 5 blocks away... and paying a hell of a lot less.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Mortgage Bankers Association Strategic Default
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

We're lucky Jon Stewart and his staff have the courage, tact, and sense of humor to tell it like it is... in a way we can stomach.  You're better off getting news from the Daily Show than from anywhere else on TV.