a big fan of the original Star Trek series, and it was only when alien
civilizations seemed to challenge the Earth that humans got their act
together for the kind of Global Governance that all the visionaries say
we'll need to deal with Climate Change... all the modern issues: global
finance. The sovereignty of individual nations is actually a political
barrier to solving these big problems, so can there be an upside to the
alien threat?"
-Mainstream US Media Talking Head, Dylan Ratigan Show, MSNBC, Mid-August 2011
Have you noticed all the UFO and Alien rhetoric in the mainstream media recently? I have. I don't really want to cover this topic, but I feel compelled to by the utter insanity I see conveyed by our "reputable information sources".
Network news, prime time drama, "educational" channels, countless mainstream websites, magazines, books, and even pop music have developed an unusual fetish with alien invasions. Even the Catholic Church is going on the record in an effort to "get ahead of" the emerging ET story. Just watch this FOX News footage from Mid-August 2011:
Like anyone else with a semi-scientific brain, I appreciate the overwhelming statistical probability that life exists elsewhere in the mind-bogglingly expansive universe. There are an estimated 200 BILLION stars like our Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, many orbited by planets similar to Earth. Given how many planets like Earth exist in the entire universe, it is next to impossible that we're the only planet where "culturally advanced" life exists.
said, the odds of aliens zipping along to visit or invade Earth seem slim, especially if that alien invasion coincidentally coincided with the
exact moment in history when our primitive economic experiment based
upon "INFINITE GROWTH" collides with the all-too-real natural laws and
limits of our well-fucked planet, Earth.
Our economic system is failing due to resource scarcity while technology renders existing power structures and labor models irrelevant. Billions of people are suffering while a handful of people become Billionaires. A Generational Revolution is sweeping the globe as the youth realizes how ugly their future looks with resource scarcity and overt WWIII looming. Meanwhile the cancerous culture of Consumerism and human population's exponential growth are totally out of control: we are running out of planet.
Yessiree, if I were an alien from a truly advanced species, I'd stay far away from Vonnegut's Monkey House until this primitive dominance ritual works itself out. I'd say the odds of an "alien invasion" staged by our flailing corpogov leadership is much greater than the probability of aliens actually invading, wouldn't you?!
This prompts the obvious question...
"What better way to reassert control, consolidate power, kill off a few billion 'worthless eaters', lay the blame elsewhere, and have a good laugh than to create and subsequently vanquish elusive alien invaders?"
If the last few years taught us anything, it's that the world is full of stupid -- yet powerful -- people. After a decade of research (since 9/11/01) I wouldn't put anything outside the realm of Imperial Bad Ideas.
In fact, leaked documents reveal US operations like PROJECT BLUEBEAM -- begun in 1952! -- which seek to do just that: analyze and plan a mock alien invasion with intent to decrease the human population and implement a one world government. It sounds crazy because it is a crazy idea... but what else is new?
Rest assured that the technology exists to fake alien activity, and the incredible uptick in mainstream reportage of UFO sightings around the globe is shocking. Watch as much of this twelve minute video as you need to acknowledge the incredible amount of MAINSTREAM NEWS coverage these strange sightings are getting:
I didn't consider something like PROJECT BLUEBEAM a viable option until recently when I began noticing an absurd amount of mainstream media coverage signalling that the opening acts of mock alien invasion theater are already taking place.
One of the crucial components of a mock alien invasion would be manipulating the media so the public accepts the feasibility of an alien invasion before it happens. Propaganda has been a crucial tool of empire for thousands of years and today is no different. In recent months we see considerable big budget media evidence of alien invasion indoctrination in the corpogov controlled mainstream culture. Some examples.
(big budget Hollywood blockbuster film)
Released: MARCH, 2011
Summary: Aliens invade Earth to steal our water supply. US Marines who are on patrol looking to save a few civilians (bullshit!) in the midst of the invasion stumble across the aliens' weakness and take out one of their motherships... but not before a few billion people die and a whole bunch of shit blows up.
(big budget Hollywood film w/ Harrison Ford)
Released: JUNE, 2011
Summary: A spaceship arrives in Arizona, 1873, to take over the Earth, starting with the Wild West region. A posse of cowboys and natives are all that stand in their way.
As an aside, I can't believe Harrison Ford stooped to starring in such a stupid film.
(big budget Hollywood film)
Released: SEPTEMBER, 2011
Summary: This strange piece of fiction is like Blair Witch Project meets JFK on the Moon. According to this fictional account, NASA sent additional trips to the moon (as did the Russians) but the astronauts were killed by aliens that look like moon rocks when dormant. The movie ends with the following message: if you're dumb enough to believe this shit, you deserve to be paranoid about every rock we brought back from the moon.
In addition to these three major movies, there are almost 30 other mainstream films dealing with aliens slated for release in 2011 and 2012 including "Men In Black III", a prequel to THE "Alien" classics called "Prometheus", and "Dust", a film spookily summarized as follows:
An Alien virus is unleashed on Earth, mutating millions into carnivorous beasts. Scientist Nick Richards, and a hard nosed team of survivors wage a losing battle against the alien force, desperately trying to restore Human life.
This unusual uptick in alien activity is not limited to film. Primetime TV has alien fever as well!
(Ted Turner AND Steven Spielberg TV Series)
Premiered: June, 2011
Telecast to more than 75 countries!
Aliens invade.
They are not nice.
Apocalyptic future ensues...
...and we get to blame the aliens for it instead of acknowledging our own shortsightedness.
All the "educational channels" have got at least one show devoted exclusively to aliens, including but by no means limited to:
History Channel: Ancient Aliens
History Channel: Alien Hunters
History Channel: UFO Files
History Channel: UFO Hunters
National Geographic: Alien Invasion
National Geographic: When Aliens Attack
Discovery Channel: Alien Planet
Discovery Science: Alien Threats
Discovery Channel: Curiosity: Alien Invasion -- Are We Ready?
In addition to these pseudo-scientific, "educational" shows there are countless entertainment programs dealing with aliens. I'll spare both of us further analysis of that vacuous realm. Also, as we saw in the videos earlier on this post, there is a serious uptick in mainstream news coverage of alien topics, specifically footage of strange visitations witnessed by lots of people.
As if all that wasn't enough, there are even commercial pop albums devoted to aliens these days, notably Katy Perry's E.T. album with the smash(ed) hit single "E.T." -- featuring everybody's favorite Illuminati douchebag, KANYE WEST.
In this post apocalyptic ode to popular trash culture, Kanye and Katy share their penchant for interplanetary date rape fantasies. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
For maximum indoctrination, watch E.T. in full screen.
Well, that was a bit much, wasn't it? E.T. has received 130,000,000 views on YouTube alone, and if your toddler doesn't sing along to that cheery little tune I'd be shocked.
At this point, I'm sick of thinking about this topic and it's high time we both moved on to something a bit more productive.
I'm not saying a mock alien invasion is anything to really worry about or protest against, but it's just one more thing to keep in the back of your mind while "taking it all in".
Frankly, at this stage in the geopolitical chess game, a mock alien invasion is a lot more appealing than many of our world leaders' severely limited options:
1) global nuclear war
2) global biochemical war
3) dismantling the global economy, erasing global debt, cutting our carbon footprint voluntarily, and educating all of humanity (yeah, right!)
4) bumbling along blindly and letting fate sort it out
5) technology swoops in and saves the day (not as likely as most people wish it was).
In the face of such a geopolitical nightmare, a little alien invasion could be just what the Doctor ordered.
Regardless of what happens, rest assured that the more successful your mainstream media and music idols are, the closer they are to being utterly owned and the less of a fuck they give about people like you.
-Mainstream US Media Talking Head, Dylan Ratigan Show, MSNBC, Mid-August 2011
Have you noticed all the UFO and Alien rhetoric in the mainstream media recently? I have. I don't really want to cover this topic, but I feel compelled to by the utter insanity I see conveyed by our "reputable information sources".
Network news, prime time drama, "educational" channels, countless mainstream websites, magazines, books, and even pop music have developed an unusual fetish with alien invasions. Even the Catholic Church is going on the record in an effort to "get ahead of" the emerging ET story. Just watch this FOX News footage from Mid-August 2011:
Like anyone else with a semi-scientific brain, I appreciate the overwhelming statistical probability that life exists elsewhere in the mind-bogglingly expansive universe. There are an estimated 200 BILLION stars like our Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, many orbited by planets similar to Earth. Given how many planets like Earth exist in the entire universe, it is next to impossible that we're the only planet where "culturally advanced" life exists.

Our economic system is failing due to resource scarcity while technology renders existing power structures and labor models irrelevant. Billions of people are suffering while a handful of people become Billionaires. A Generational Revolution is sweeping the globe as the youth realizes how ugly their future looks with resource scarcity and overt WWIII looming. Meanwhile the cancerous culture of Consumerism and human population's exponential growth are totally out of control: we are running out of planet.
Yessiree, if I were an alien from a truly advanced species, I'd stay far away from Vonnegut's Monkey House until this primitive dominance ritual works itself out. I'd say the odds of an "alien invasion" staged by our flailing corpogov leadership is much greater than the probability of aliens actually invading, wouldn't you?!
This prompts the obvious question...
"What better way to reassert control, consolidate power, kill off a few billion 'worthless eaters', lay the blame elsewhere, and have a good laugh than to create and subsequently vanquish elusive alien invaders?"
If the last few years taught us anything, it's that the world is full of stupid -- yet powerful -- people. After a decade of research (since 9/11/01) I wouldn't put anything outside the realm of Imperial Bad Ideas.
In fact, leaked documents reveal US operations like PROJECT BLUEBEAM -- begun in 1952! -- which seek to do just that: analyze and plan a mock alien invasion with intent to decrease the human population and implement a one world government. It sounds crazy because it is a crazy idea... but what else is new?
Rest assured that the technology exists to fake alien activity, and the incredible uptick in mainstream reportage of UFO sightings around the globe is shocking. Watch as much of this twelve minute video as you need to acknowledge the incredible amount of MAINSTREAM NEWS coverage these strange sightings are getting:
I didn't consider something like PROJECT BLUEBEAM a viable option until recently when I began noticing an absurd amount of mainstream media coverage signalling that the opening acts of mock alien invasion theater are already taking place.
One of the crucial components of a mock alien invasion would be manipulating the media so the public accepts the feasibility of an alien invasion before it happens. Propaganda has been a crucial tool of empire for thousands of years and today is no different. In recent months we see considerable big budget media evidence of alien invasion indoctrination in the corpogov controlled mainstream culture. Some examples.
(big budget Hollywood blockbuster film)
Released: MARCH, 2011
Summary: Aliens invade Earth to steal our water supply. US Marines who are on patrol looking to save a few civilians (bullshit!) in the midst of the invasion stumble across the aliens' weakness and take out one of their motherships... but not before a few billion people die and a whole bunch of shit blows up.
(big budget Hollywood film w/ Harrison Ford)
Released: JUNE, 2011
Summary: A spaceship arrives in Arizona, 1873, to take over the Earth, starting with the Wild West region. A posse of cowboys and natives are all that stand in their way.
As an aside, I can't believe Harrison Ford stooped to starring in such a stupid film.
(big budget Hollywood film)
Released: SEPTEMBER, 2011
Summary: This strange piece of fiction is like Blair Witch Project meets JFK on the Moon. According to this fictional account, NASA sent additional trips to the moon (as did the Russians) but the astronauts were killed by aliens that look like moon rocks when dormant. The movie ends with the following message: if you're dumb enough to believe this shit, you deserve to be paranoid about every rock we brought back from the moon.
In addition to these three major movies, there are almost 30 other mainstream films dealing with aliens slated for release in 2011 and 2012 including "Men In Black III", a prequel to THE "Alien" classics called "Prometheus", and "Dust", a film spookily summarized as follows:
An Alien virus is unleashed on Earth, mutating millions into carnivorous beasts. Scientist Nick Richards, and a hard nosed team of survivors wage a losing battle against the alien force, desperately trying to restore Human life.
This unusual uptick in alien activity is not limited to film. Primetime TV has alien fever as well!
(Ted Turner AND Steven Spielberg TV Series)
Premiered: June, 2011
Telecast to more than 75 countries!
Aliens invade.
They are not nice.
Apocalyptic future ensues...
...and we get to blame the aliens for it instead of acknowledging our own shortsightedness.
All the "educational channels" have got at least one show devoted exclusively to aliens, including but by no means limited to:
History Channel: Ancient Aliens
History Channel: Alien Hunters
History Channel: UFO Files
History Channel: UFO Hunters
National Geographic: Alien Invasion
National Geographic: When Aliens Attack
Discovery Channel: Alien Planet
Discovery Science: Alien Threats
Discovery Channel: Curiosity: Alien Invasion -- Are We Ready?
In addition to these pseudo-scientific, "educational" shows there are countless entertainment programs dealing with aliens. I'll spare both of us further analysis of that vacuous realm. Also, as we saw in the videos earlier on this post, there is a serious uptick in mainstream news coverage of alien topics, specifically footage of strange visitations witnessed by lots of people.

In this post apocalyptic ode to popular trash culture, Kanye and Katy share their penchant for interplanetary date rape fantasies. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
For maximum indoctrination, watch E.T. in full screen.
Well, that was a bit much, wasn't it? E.T. has received 130,000,000 views on YouTube alone, and if your toddler doesn't sing along to that cheery little tune I'd be shocked.
At this point, I'm sick of thinking about this topic and it's high time we both moved on to something a bit more productive.
I'm not saying a mock alien invasion is anything to really worry about or protest against, but it's just one more thing to keep in the back of your mind while "taking it all in".
Frankly, at this stage in the geopolitical chess game, a mock alien invasion is a lot more appealing than many of our world leaders' severely limited options:
1) global nuclear war
2) global biochemical war
3) dismantling the global economy, erasing global debt, cutting our carbon footprint voluntarily, and educating all of humanity (yeah, right!)
4) bumbling along blindly and letting fate sort it out
5) technology swoops in and saves the day (not as likely as most people wish it was).
In the face of such a geopolitical nightmare, a little alien invasion could be just what the Doctor ordered.
Regardless of what happens, rest assured that the more successful your mainstream media and music idols are, the closer they are to being utterly owned and the less of a fuck they give about people like you.