
Brilliant Peak Oil Infographic...

This graphic created by CarSort.com does a great job summarizing the predicament humanity now faces.

One thing very interesting to note is that in 1956 M.K. Hubbert was able to accurately predict US Peak Oil production would peak in 1970 to within a few months.  Now, because "official" oil reserve statistics are so widely and heavily manipulated, the closest we can come to predicting when Saudi Arabia will hit peak oil is "at some point between 2012 aned 2017."

Peak Oil is very real and it will drastically affect your own life within the coming months and years... whether you know it or not, it already has.

I can remember $0.89 per gallon gasoline when I first started driving in the late 1990s.  Right now gas is at $4.00 per gallon and it is going to keep going up.

Oil fuels 98% of global transportation, and the US is already fighting multiple wars to secure far flung oil supplies.  The impact of decreasing oil production on global economies and geopolitical stability is one of the most important issues to consider today.

peak oil