
Quick and Easy

I'm digging the Olympics.  It's a hell of a people-watching spectacle, even via TV.

Nevertheless, I'm well aware that the last thing this planet needs is additional glorification of international competition, even of the good-natured, sporting kind.

I'm supposed to be writing articles about my trip but it's all in the past and really doesn't seem worth reporting on.  It happened.  I learned from it.  I'm too busy living to encourage distant others to do the same.  Seeking inspiration?  Follow your fucking nose.  Me?  Moving on.

I'm still carrying the idea that we've only got a few _________ left until something snaps and life gets much uglier for most of humanity.  I'm well beyond torn up over the idea to the point where I'm gratefully milking moments for all they're worth.  Gratis good times with good friends.  Mother Nature's is one of those good friends.  If you have to pay for a good time, you've been duped...

It's interesting seeing the changes in the JH Ski Bum community since the Ooooooosa got it's little economic dose of reality.  We ski bums are nowhere near perfect but folks are definitely broke as fuck and seem to be constructively analyzing it and making changes.... or drinking themselves to death.

Me?  I've lost the will to succeed in any conventional sense.  I've seen the darker side of money, power, lust, and fame.  I know that it eats souls and prefer to keep mine intact... whatever the cost.

Before being married to my boat I was married to my car.  Now I'm borrowing a bike, shedding baggage, and shredding ski gear.  Soon it'll be just me scrounging along shamelessly.

Funny how that works, ain't it?  The less you've got the less you need.

How about we all get together and rip consumeristic bullshit out of our hearts?

Dump the wealth and start from scratch.

What?!  Fuck that.  You first.

As all Winonans know, the longer you stand on the guardrail, the harder it is to jump.

Lost on the River,
