
I Can't Argue Against Basic Math. Can You?

My good friend Josh linked me this series of videos (about 75 minutes total), and I just finished watching it all. Strong -- and no doubt sane -- stuff. To deny this guy -- a physics professor at CU Boulder -- you've gotta disprove one of the most basic mathematical concepts: the exponential function. Either that, or zone out, shut down, wander off, or simply neglect to push PLAY.

Dr. Albert A. Bartlett, Physics Whiz
Better Idea: please open your mind to the possibility that you've been lied to about energy issues and that much our society puts hope in could very well be utter crap.  Perhaps it's best to place our personal hopes elsewhere.

This lecturesque series offers a compelling argument rooted in basic math that bitch-slaps commonly held nonsense regarding the severity of overpopulation and out-of control energy consumption.

Take the knowledge this crotchety old fart is offering us, and DO SOMETHING WITH IT.

Once you accept REALITY and start planning hopefully, it opens up a new level of happiness those hunkered in DENIAL never get to experience.

If you occassionally enjoyed class, you'll doubtless enjoy THIS:

Arithmetic, Population, and Energy
Dr. Albert A. Bartlett
Professor Emeritus
Department of Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder