
Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugs, Psychiatry, & School Shootings...

This video is a must see if you've ever considered or taken (or are taking) any prescription drugs for a mood disorder.  It's a must share with any friends who are trusting of the field of Psychiatry or are taking psychotropic drugs for a mood disorder.

All of the info in this video is dead on, aside from the proposed solution: tattling on Psychiatry to the FDA.  Unfortunately the FDA is just as corrupt as the average Psychiatrist and the entire Pharmaceutical Industry.  A better plan of action would be to stop taking any Pharmaceutical drugs you're not 100% sure are 100% tested safe, exposing the corrupt medical establishment, and using that ever-increasing awareness to help overthrow the corrupt government complicit with the dangerous experimental drugging of humanity.

Here is the full documentary "Making A Killing".  Also worth watching, especially in the wake of the Sandy Hook event, is the short film further down the page exposing the role psychotropic drugs play in violent crime.  In reality, guns don't kill people nearly so often as pharamceuticals do, and there is a disturbing trend linking psychotropic drugs to violent crimes...