
Colorado Floods 2013: Geoengineering, Weather Warfare, and Disaster Mitigation

Over the last century, hundreds of billions of dollars -- that we know about -- have been spent on weather forecasting and modification programs.  Hurricane modification experimentation began in the 1940s, cloud seeding was used successfully by the US Military as a weapon for 8 years during the Vietnam War, and weather weapon technologies had become such a threat by the late 1970's that the UN officially banned them under the ENMOD Treaty signed in Geneva on May 18th, 1977.

With the rapid technological advancement since the 1970s why are we now experiencing unprecedented levels of "natural" disasters like the floods that just wiped out the Front Range of Colorado?  Is "climate change" the only reason why 2011 was the most expensive year for disasters in human history?

If climate models have progressed alongside computing power -- as the climatologists would have us believe -- why doesn't the National Weather Service or NOAA accurately forecast events like the Colorado floods well in advance and use proven technologies to prevent or at least diminish the impact of severe weather events?

If the weather has been used as a weapon in the past, what is to stop the (corrupt) government from using it as a weapon now?  The ENMOD Treaty does not forbid using the weather as a weapon within the borders of ones own country and the US doesn't really follow the UN Treaties on torture or chemical weapons anyway.

Frankly, on the 12 year anniversary of the most heinous false flag terror attack in the history of human civilization, I wouldn't put anything past the shadow government and the professional liar politicians who pretend to have the best interests of the people in mind while consistently pushing for agendas that fly in the face of common sense and our common cause.  One Love.  Peace.common cause.

What do you think?  -- Max Mogren, September 13th, 2013

*BIG THANKS* to WeatherWar101 (channel)
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**Lately WeatherWar101's videos have focused on water vapor added to the atmosphere by industrial sources like power plants.  While this is certainly a factor in humanity's impact on the climate, in my opinion there are other technologies being used to intentionally increase atmospheric H20 and to manipulate its various states and behavior.  Notable examples are cloud seeding metals like nanoaluminum and directed energy technologies like HAARP and NEXRAD.

**** I apologize that this video is pixelated near the end.  Below is the last 5 minutes in 1080p HD including the satellite imagery animations of the Colorado Flooding