
Merciless Butcher McCain Confronted By Syrian/American Woman (VIDEO)

This video does a pretty good job summing up the Syria situation.

This brave and well-educated woman does not support Bashr Al-Assad but at the same time she realizes that the "Free Syrian Army" aka the "Rebels" are actually foreign mercenairies backed by Israel, Saudi Arabia, the US, and other Western interests.

She doesn't know who's using chemical weapons or committing atrocities, but she does know that the US has no business sticking its nose where it really doesn't belong.

She warns that Syria would turn into another failed state littered with human rights violations if the US starts blowing the place up -- a very valid point -- and urges McCain to stop calling for war on a country that never has and never will pose an actual threat to the United States or its people.

McCain's response is to skirt the points she made and call Bashr Al-Assad a "merciless butcher".  Ladies and gentlemen this is politricks 101: call your enemy what you are and accuse them of what you're doing.

Hey!  I've got an idea.  How about we let Syrians run Syria however the heck they want to.  Instead of destroying their nation and stealing their resources why don't we just pay them a fair price on the free market.  Blowing things up and killing people is not the solution to any problem.

Ohhh yeah, and then this guy told McCain that he and his politrickster buddies should be tried for treason.