
MEGAUPLOAD SCANDAL DEVELOPS: Mike Mozart is all over the latest Corporate/Bankster attempt to shut down the Internet, bankrupt the People, and enthrone global Fascism.

Have you ever used MegaUpload or similar corporate owned/distributed file sharing services?  If so, the federales have your user info and could be planning to charge you $150,000 per copyrighted file shared.  At the very least, they want you to be paranoid of that possibility...

... in yet another desperate grasp for more control and less real accountability.

At a time when we see our Civil Liberties being stripped -- and our wallets emptied -- through exceptionally devious tactics, the takedown of MegaUpload looks like yet another ploy to fleece the unsuspecting sheeple.

Hundreds of millions of people have used MegaUpload, and now Uncle Sam has dirt on all of them.  While prosecuting hundreds of millions of people may seem insane, just think of all the other insane stuff the FEDGOV has done in the last decade:

*LOSING multiple wars simultaneously.

*Shooting ammo made of deadly URANIUM at innocent Iraqi civilians.

*Using DRONES and ILLEGAL WIRETAPPING to spy on regular Americans.

*Bailing out the BANKSTERS who caused the crash with TRILLIONS and letting them hold MILLIONS of foreclosed homes while MILLIONS of Americans are living in their cars, with friends, or on the streets.

*Trying to "Grow the Economy" while "Saving the Planet" (a bit contradictory considering  increasing GDP means increased resource use and greenhouse gas emissions) 

*Deciding "democratic elections" behind closed doors.  Bush didn't win in 2000 or 2004, but they made him POTUS anyway.


Right now with Acts like SOPA/PIPA (and the treasonous NDAA), the Real Terrorists are engaged in Real Terrorism... against YOU and I.   Those corrupted by power and money seek even more control over the masses through paranoia and fear.

They want you to think twice about speaking out against TPTB or challenging their deranged and suicidal system's legitimacy.  

I wrote on this topic last week, and in light of Obama's close ties with RIAA, Big Media, and Corporatism/Banksterism, MegaUpload's dastardly "UPLOAD TO ME TODAY" entrapment tactics could be the latest attempts by Fascists to bankrupt the People, enrich the Corporations, and more thoroughly fuck our world to death.

Big thanks to Mike Mozart for spreading such crucial info...

As for the Obama Administration's connections to Big Media, RIAA, and Corporate Banksterism...