
Chemtrails vs. Contrails: Best Video Yet to Wake People Up and to Thwart the Clueless Debunkers

This is the best video I have ever seen to clearly show the difference between the chemtrails and contrail.  We see one jet leaving a chemtrail, two jets leaving normal contrails, and a massive spreading contrail lingering.

There are many theories as to why governments and corporations are cooperatively and covertly spraying chemicals into the atmosphere.  Very few people know for sure what is really being sprayed over different areas at different times because there is ZERO accountability or transparency.  Primary theories about why they are spraying range from attempts to manipulate the weather/climate to spreading toxins and biological agents as part of an intentional depopulation agenda.

Do your own homework and decide for yourself why you think they are spraying.  The first step in formulating an opinion about chemtrails is acknowledging the fact that they exist.

Want more info?  Want to know my opinion on chemtrails?  Check out this article I wrote recently on the topic: SAVE THE PLANET: EXPOSE GEOENGINEERING...