
What is going on with the Jet Stream? Multiple splits and shockingly abrupt turns over North America on March 8, 2013

Typically the Jet Stream is a single stream of air.
Summer average is in orange.
Winter average is in blue.
All weather watchers know the Jet Stream over the Northern Hemisphere normally flows as a single stream but will occasionally split into multiple streams when atmospheric conditions dictate... just as a river current will split as it flows past an island or over a submerged boulder or sandbar.

The Jet Stream is pulling some crazy moves over North America right now with multiple splits and a huge arm breaking off from the North Pacific and veering over Alaska before an equally abrupt return to the main flow just offshore of Oregon State.  My guess is that geoengineering programs are screwing with the Jet Stream. If you know why this is happening, please comment below.

Check out the pics...
Jet Stream Splits over North America, March 8, 2013

Jet Stream Splits over North Pacific and Western America, March 8, 2013

Jet Stream coming back together over North Atlantic, March 8, 2013

Northern Hemisphere Jet Stream, March 8, 2013.  

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