
Boom Town


HA HA HA HA HA.  Ahwwwwwww...... shit.

One of several frustrating aspects of my trip was witnessing the gringo colonization of coastal Mexico and Central America.  I rarely encountered an anchorage where the real estate signs weren't already up, where folks bent on making a buck weren't already taking advantage.  Where locals weren't understandably taking offense.

Other problems included lower back pain, being broke as hell, and heartache.

Been there?

Apparently, as we delve deeper into the 21st century, humanity needs beach houses, and lots of them.

We also apparently need a whole shitload of condos flanking every accessible mountainside.

Particleboard masoleums dedicated to the most gullible motherfuckers in history who came close but just never quite figured it out.

We were in denial.  Awful short-sighted.  All the while standing behind whitewashed intentions...

You can't stop progess, but progress could stop itself. 

Unless we figure out a new way to rein in human desire, it probably will.

Giddy up!
