

Lyric of the Day


in my life I have been blessed
in my life I have been cursed
I have lived the best of times
I have suffered the worst
do you know which road you're travelling?
do you know where you want to be?
with so many roads to travel
there's just one can set you free

there's just one road
one road to freedom

-Ben Harper


Roads are on my mind these days because I haven't needed em' for the last 15 months.

 I realize my motivations for this trip arose when I took Vonnegut's unintentional advice hard to heart.

"Get out of the road, you dumb mutherfucker."

Good call, Oprah.

I find myself scrabbling a lot of gibberish lately...


If life's a GIFT,
why am I perpetually
apologizing for my existence?


Dreams lost.
Flags furled.
Welcome to your new world.


Let go.
Let go.
Let go.


But my current situation really ain't bad.

I'm just hypersensitive.
I'm just too "smart" for my own good.
I'm just heartbroken.
I just overanalyze the meaninglessness.

If life made sense it'd be too easy.  It'd be boring.

If I always got what I wanted I wouldn't want anything.

I've got $6660 in my pocket and suitcases full of toys.
I've got Maestra's paperwork and a free ride to the airport.
I've got my loving family waiting stateside.
I've got the Teton Range full of friends and adventures.
 I've got a strong, healthy body.
I've got my sense of humor.

Now that the boat's gone this little trip can get going again...

First order of business... plop balls in the snow.

Second order of business... sober up.

Third order of business... enjoy family and friends.

Fourth order of business... reconnect with the mountains.

Fifth order of business...
take what you've gathered and piece together a new dream.

Chuck away all the bullshit.
Hold on to the sacred.
Keep searching.
Keep writing.

Right now?  Greet the dawn.

Hasta La Vista,
